Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Morning Images and Thoughts.

All images are from Pinterest. So I'm just a little addicted to Pinterest. My boyfriend is constantly prying my phone or laptop away from me when I get into a "pinning mood". It's perfect for finding recipes, travel ideas, CLOTHES, etc. The options really are limitless.

Are you on Pinterst? Let me know and I would love to follow you all!

Friday, March 2, 2012

This Way to Amazing- Location 3

Better late than never on my part!

 The third location of the amazing This Way To Amazing contest Contiki is running and launched on Wednesday!

This time the videos feature yours truely!

Can you find me? Have you been to this fabulous city? AND HOW HOT ARE THOSE PINK PANTS!?

You still have a couple days left to be qualified to win a trip! Next Wednesday the final location is up so jump to it!

Story of my Life.

Friday Daydreams!
Happy Friday friends! I have been neglecting this project the past few weeks but I have not forgotten about it! Fortunatlely a quiet weekend will provide some time to organize future posts. I still need to get the hang of Blogger.... Anyone have any tips?

And is anyone else craving an adventure like I am this morning? I should really open a travel only savings account at my bank.....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Contiki Part Two.

The second of four trips from Contiki is up for grabs!

Find Liz and you could win!

Check it out!

This Way to Amazing

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Traveling & Food.

Eating is definitely one of my favorite aspects of travel. Traveling and food, the two go together hand in hand. Any travel junkie you meet will have stories and suggestions of "I know the best restaurant in  ________ to get authentic________" or "If you go to ________ you have to try the _________".

One of my best travel food related memories was when my friend Jasmine and I were in Beijing. Neither of us spoke a word of Mandarin and were trying to find something for lunch.  We started looked around and noticed a crowd of people around a man sitting on the corner of the road with a wok on a tiny portable stove. He had bowls of noodles and various shredded veggies sitting in front of him on the sidewalk. For around 50cents we bought some of the most amazing piping hot fried noodles. 

We stood back and sat next to a fence and ate our street food. This experience stands out in my mind vividly because I was in sensory overload. I could hear the city, see everyone running around, smell the food, and taste the food. This was why I was here and this was the type of experience I was craving. 

Across the road another person was cooking squid and serving it on long wooden skewers. A quick evaluation of the risks involved with eating street squid and potential food poisoning and we went for it.  Another brilliant choice and more delicious food. 

The idea of eating food from street vendors in a strange country scares many people. Personally, I like that I can see my food being cooked right in front of me and can usually tell what it is. It can make things much easier than trying to pick something off a menu in a different language. Yes, you don't always know where the food came from, but the risk of finding something delicious is always worth it.

Granted you should always use your common sense. If it looks bad or rotten, don't eat it. Don't buy the fried bugs or cockroaches. One individual I met in Beijing told me that the vendors sell these at the street markets in Asia for entertainment value and than laugh amongst themselves when someone actually eats one.

When in doubt you can always go searching for a McDonalds....

Actual McDonalds from Beijing. Note that it looks just as nasty as at home. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Contiki! This Way to Amazing!

For those of you who are not familiar with Contiki, you should be!

Contiki is an amazing travel company founded by New Zealander John Anderson. They offer tours all over the globe and cater towards the travel hungry 18-35ers.

Very popular with the Aussies, their tours are starting to gain popularity here in Canada. With destinations like South America, Europe, Asia and Australia, what's not to love!

I was recently lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to Europe and be one of the talent for an amazing promotion they have just started running called "This Way to Amazing"

If you’re feeling lucky you should check it out!

This Way to Amazing!

The interactive contest runs for the next month and all you need to do is find us! You need to find my friend Christian this week!

I can't tell you much more about where we went or what we did because it's a secret! But if you can find us you could go see these amazing places for yourself!

Good Luck!

Parisian Coffee Dreams.

I'm sorry Tim Hortons, but your coffee just doesn't cut it.

I'm having some serious Parisian cappuccino withdrawals this AM.